Monday, June 13, 2011


Remember the puppies from the Bristol 18 rescue? This was one of the two. Well, both were adopted and live in Virginia (in separate homes). Tracey adopted one of them. His name is Colby-- and he is a pistol. He is almost a year old!

He decided to help his human brother build a plant box. He looks like he's helping, doesn't he!

His brother couldn't do it without Colby. I think Colby has the easy end of the job. He's just watching.

I think he may be thinking, "can I get into something?" :-)

I think that's EXACTLY what he's thinking! But, for now, Colby, please just step back from the plant box and give you mom a big birthday hug from all of us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRACEY!!!


  1. Did Colby give this plater box to Tracey for her birthday???
    We all know peke's have credit cards! LOL

  2. Thank you ever so much!!! Colby, Macy, Shadow, and Pollyanna have given me my birthday snuggles and kisses! I am the one that feels so blessed by them and from meeting such wonderful Peke rescue people like Linda and Jeanne! What inspirations and blessings you all have been to me!

  3. I still am amazed everytime I look at the puppy pics from before and after. You would NEVER believe that is Colby in the first one!

    Happy Birthday to Tracey:)

  4. Colby is soo cute! That is a very nice planter box too!

  5. I'm so happy to see I'm not the only who always has to have a Peke or 2 involved in anything I do around the house. They are natural Supervisors, that's for sure.

  6. I'm so happy to see I'm not the only who always has to have a Peke or 2 involved in anything I do around the house. They are natural Supervisors, that's for sure.
