Saturday, June 4, 2011


Imagine a day in the 70s, a slight breeze going, and quiet. Only the sounds of birds can be heard-- no TV, no radio, no cars.....

The baby swing in the yard is empty, no one is sitting in the chairs....

There is peace all around...

I can only see trees in my yard....

It's quiet because the baby is sleeping! Max is keeping guard, watching the perimeters of the yard for invaders.

And Beach Bit sleeps in the hammock. He loves the hammock!

Kai Kai (Kyden) is at the door-- do you need more guard dogs?

He comes out to help. He lays down at my feet-- his normal spot.

And Beach Bit continues to sleep. It's so nice, I'm tempted to get into the hammock with him and just let the Pekingese keep watch.

Even Cranberry is standing guard, taking her spot near the hammock. She's a fierce little protector.

Beach Bit needs watching-- and the Pekes are up to the job.

Starlight, is of course, ready! Beach Bit is her baby.

Nothing more peaceful than a baby sleeping. :-)


  1. Oh boy - I feel so sleepy now! LOL

  2. Thank you for sharing your slice of Nirvana. You omitted smells~ Honeysuckle, mock orange, summer jasmine? I'm speculating that there is a tall glass of sweet tea on the table out of camera range. Ahhhhh~ Paradise Found!

  3. Oh, the smells- first, the fresh air. There is no smoke smell today from the fires in NC. I just smeel clean air. And of course, just put my face to Beach Bit and breathe in his scent-- there is nothing like a sweet baby scent.

  4. I love the pictures of Beach Bit in the hammock! Looks like Starlight is trying to figure out a way to get up there with her buddy Beach Bit.

  5. How heavenly is that! Ahhhhh! And the baby, oh my goodness, they are just indescribable when they are sleeping like that! I love the idea of the hammock! How original!

  6. Beach Bit sure is precious! Looks like he is growing!! He'll be an active toddler before you know it! Thank goodness he has such sweet Peke's that love and protect him. Of course his Moppy is never far!
