Sunday, July 10, 2011


Camp Runamuck has begun again. I have all the grankids-- Beach Bit goes home at night, but the rest are here for over a week. I bought a double stroller at a children's consignment store and it's almost like new. Boy, is it helpful with two babies!!! (10 months and 19 months)

Bitty Bit helps Beach Bit have some cheerios. My schedule has been thrown out the window. There is no retrieving it for awhile. There is no quiet here and many of the Pekes here run for cover.

My vet said we could use his pool anytime-- so we went over and the kids all loved it. Don't worry, I had lots of helpers! Bitty Bit uses a pool toy.

And her sister Lil Bit has one, too.

Beach Bit has a special one that is an airplane. He LOVES the water.

Drill Bit took some coaxing, but then he was fine.

Starlight, usually great with kids, took to hiding out under the desk. There were scooters going by, tricycles in the house, little cars and kids who thinks it's fun to make lots of noise.

Kai Kai is in his usual spot behind my desk chair-- it was safe there.

I don't know what your summer is like, but here it is a little crazy. After all the Bits leave, I'm going on vacation-- I think I'll go some place QUIET. What are you doing this summer??


  1. You are a brave woman Linda! LOL

    Its as cold as anything here and I have a super flu thing that makes me cough all day and night.
    Got it from the grandkids --- so watch out !!! :)

  2. LOL, you know it's crazy when even Starlight is hiding out!
