Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Remember the bedraggled Peke we got from the shelter. We named him Jasper-- I did a blog on him already, but here's an update.

He's a wonderful little boy, and his shaved coat (due to excessive matting) is coming back in. He'll be so beautiful.

A week and a half ago, I told Jasper he was going on a car trip to Richmond. It's calmer there for him to have his heartworm treatment. With Camp Runamuck going on here, it's not very peaceful, or calm, or quiet..... My ears are throbbing by the end of the day with all the kid noise. It's happy noise, but there is a lot of it! ;-)

So, Jasper hopped in the car. About half way to Richmond, I noticed he wasn't on the floor sleeping where he usually is. I figured he had gone toward the back of the van. But, no....

He found one of the Bits' car seats I have in the car and he crawled in it. It put him higher to give him a better viewing of where he was headed.

Once he figured out we knew where we were going, he settled in for the ride.

And he went to sleep. He thought the car seat was just for him, and he was very comfortable.

And when we arrived, he woke up to meet his new foster mom. I hated to see him go because he is such a nice boy-- but it's just too exciting here for him. He is having his second heartworm treatment on the 20th and 21st (I put the wrong dates the first time) and then he'll be rid of those things! YIPPEE!!


  1. He is such a sweet guy and I wish "Mr Car-seat" all the best with his next treatment for those rotten heartworms!

  2. He is looking so handsome! I can't wait for more updates:) I am sure he'll be happy in his new foster home!

  3. Cute pictures of Jasper in the carseat! Glad he's almost finished with his heartworm treatment!

  4. Don't think I could have let this one go...hope everything goes well and he's heartworm free SOON!
