Friday, July 15, 2011


Jonah "JoJo" is at my house for fostering. Look at that little tongue! ;-) I took this at the vet as we waited for him to go back for his surgeries. He had to be neutered (and it required more than normal surgery), a dental and nasal fold surgery. He is blind in one eye, but you wouldn't know it-- he gets around great. Even dogs who are totally blind learn their way around. (You can tell he's still pretty thin.)

I brought him home after surgery. He has to wear a collar, which means I hand feed him-- he thinks that is very cool. We don't want him to rub his eye stitches, so he'll have to wear this for 10-14 days.

I carry him in and out, so he doesn't fall. I usually have Beach Bit on one hip and a Peke on the other. Starlight also has to be carried up and down the steps (only 5), because of her back injury. I'm glad she isn't trying to do steps.

I'm sure he wonders why I am SO CLOSE!

He'll feel better soon and be ready for his forever home. He is a really sweet boy!!


  1. Oh Linda, he does look like a sweet boy!
    Healing vibes Jonah!

  2. Wishing kick healing to Johah!!! What a cutie pie!! Hoping he finds a forever home very quickly!

  3. Happy healing Jonah, you will be so much happier when this is all over!!

  4. Aw, it's so hard to make them wear those collars but if they get to their stitches it's worse for them. Oh my, a peke in one arm and Beach Bit in the other ~ lol! You may want to consider building a ramp :) I can imagine Starlight is having no problem with the extra royal treatment :)
