Sunday, July 3, 2011


I'm writing this on Saturay night. It's been a LONG day-- began about 7 and it's after 10:30 now-- I put over 250 miles on my car and I'm tired.

So, I'm just posting a few pictures so you can guess what my day was like.

I'm not telling you who all these dogs are-- you'll find out in tomorrow's blog.

Little Jasper is tired, too-- it's been a long day for all of us. So, we're all going to bed and tomorrow you'll find out all the things that happened! What do YOU think went on? :-)


  1. Rest up Linda - jasper does look tired.

    What happened????
    Maybe Cranberry locked you all out of the house! LOL

  2. Looks like lots of rescues to me, or maybe relocating some rescues to foster homes!

  3. Honda Odyssey on the road again! Can't wait to hear about the newest rescues to PVPC. YOU ARE AWESOME!!
