Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I'm adding this picture today-- I just got it of Louie and his new mom. He is already giving her kisses! He should be home by noon-- and he will meet his new brother J Edgar Hoover!

Louie, the 9 month old puppy we took into rescue a week and a half ago is being adopted!! Louie was hit by a car, and his owner turned him into a shelter. We took him in to give him a chance to live. Lucky boy went to Paige's for fostering.

She and Danni fell in love with this sweet boy. He is so loving and playful in spite if his serious injury that caused his loss of sight and of his eyes.

He is joyful-- just look at that smile! He is moving on with his life, not living with loss and sadness, but moving on, playing, having fun with his Peke brothers and sisters.

Paige's vet did an incredible job with his surgery-- there was no way to save his eyes. But, he is showing us that even in adversity, life is still there to be lived well.

And he just has fun, chews on a chew stick....

And then totally relaxes for a nap. Louie is being adopted and will be on his way to his new home by the time you are reading this. We are so grateful to Paige for her care and love of this sweet boy and thankful to his new family for taking in this sweet one to live his life with them. WE LOVE YOU, LOUIE!!!


  1. Love you Louie!!!
    from the gang in Oz :)

  2. Lots of love for Louie!!! I am so so happy for him and his new family!!

  3. Oh, my - this made me cry - animals are amazing, aren't they? Instead of moping and feeling sorry for himself (like I would) he moves full joy ahead and shows us all that there is value in life - no matter what - he's a better man than I am (I love Louie! I still wish there were some way to give him at least one eye - somehow - but that is only a dream!)

    Bless you and bless Louie and his new family! May they be forever happy! He's a doll! I would have taken him in a heart beat. If there were no rules about how many pets I can have in this apartment, I'd be having at least 2 Pekes, maybe more!
