Thursday, August 25, 2011


I did a blog (June 11, 2011) on Taylor, who died just a few months ago. He belonged to Sam and Michele. They have had to say goodbye to another one of their precious Pekes.

Their first foster/adoption, Makoti died in July. She came into their lives for fostering twelve years ago. She was in the ER, very weak, and xrays showed she had a lot of fluid around her heart. She also had a tumor on her heart. She was 15 years old and nothing they could do would have helped. She passed very quietly, laying on her bed. Makoti was so very special to Sam and Michele. We are so sorry for their loss. Rest in peace, sweet Makoti and run and play with your Peke brother Taylor.

Here's what her dad wrote about her:

Makoti died late July 30th, 2011. We think she was about 15, and had been with us since November, 1999. She had a tumor on her heart, and there was just no good way to deal with it, so we let her go as peacefully as we could. She was our first rescue from Potomac Valley Pekingese Club, a bit fearful at first, but she quickly became the Queen of the House. One day, we came home to find she had made her throne out of the kitchen table. She was just sitting up there, wagging her tail at us. Whenever she went outside, she would come back in, turn around and look at you & not move until you had properly greeted her with a good petting. As she aged, she mellowed into a very sweet, very loving little girl. Whenever something met with her approval, or she was very interested in something, she would let us know with a throaty “Woowoo”. It was our favorite song. She was the healthiest of all our dogs for her entire life, and when she stopped eating, we really worried. We took her to the ER, thinking she would have to spend the night but would be back home soon. Unfortunately, that was not what happened, and very suddenly, she was gone. I am thankful that I was able to be with her at the end. She was known by many names – Hotie, Hoter Boter, Mouse-koti, but she will forever be our Little Makoti Girl.


  1. We send our love and thoughts to you from Australia.

  2. It is never easy to lose your best friend. Thank God for you who provided this precious baby with a loving home for most of her life!! She surely will be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge with lots of kisses and definately woo woos!

  3. Thank you both for the kind thoughts. Makoti, Taylor, and Shadow (lost her last year) were very special to us and we know they are together waiting for us.

  4. Thank you both for your kind thoughts. Makoti, Taylor, and Shadow (lost her last year) were very special to us and we know they are playing together while they wait for us.
