Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Heidi was on my blog on May 31-- she was thrown from a car and she was taken to a vet because the person who found her knew she couldn't help her. The vet called Kay and Claretta to see if they would help-- and of course, they stepped right up to do it.
Heidi had almost three wonderful months with them. But, on August 12, their other dog, Maggie, woke them up. She was barking and carrying on and they thought she had to go out. She didn't. They checked their oldest Peke, Vicki, and nothing was wrong there. Then, Heidi, who had seemed to be just fine, began to seize. Maggie quieted down-- her mission to get her parents' attention was accomplished. They rushed Heidi to the emergency room and despite the effort of four vets, meds, fluids, Heidi could not come out of the grand mal seizure she was in. They tried for a long time to save this little one. She had been blossoming in their home, learning to play with Teddy and Maggie. I'm so glad she had that special time with Kay and Claretta. I know everyone is so sorry that they lost her. Rest in peace, sweet Heidi Girl.


  1. That is so sad. Brought a few tears to my eye. Kay and Claretta were good people to give Heidi love. I know she is at peace and painfree. Poor little girl. Prayers for her family.

  2. So, so sad. But I know Heidi is at the Rainbow Bridge with my Princess and so many others who've gone before her. I'm just happy that she had a good life during her last few months. Rest in Peace, sweet Heidi.

  3. So So sad. God please take good care of this little sweet Heidi. People let her down on earth. Thank God for Kay and Claretta. God bless you both!!!!!

  4. So So sad. God please take good care of little Heidi. People on earth have let her down. Thank God for Kay and Claretta for their love!!!! God bless you both!!!

  5. So so sad, but be glad in that she was able to know love and the she will be waiting at the bridge for you.

  6. Breaks my heart to lose another Peke. Grateful she had loving and caring parents for the last months of her life. Heidi, you have some wonderful Pekeys at RB to play with. You will be missed.
