Friday, August 5, 2011


One of our supporters paints dog dish holders and she donated one of a Pekingese that sold immediately. She is donating these three for us to sell. She is going to give us a large portion of what she sells them for. Patrice has a web site also: Click here: 28Paws created by Dogmom7 based on Classic Portfolio

The food dishes fit right in and the faces on these dish holders are adorable.

We are selling them for $150, plus shipping and insurance.

Isn't this cute!!

I love these faces. I wonder what one of Scooter would look like-- or Starlight!

Of course, the tail has to be painted on also.

If you would like to buy one of these three, please email us at and we'll have it sent to you. All the money we earn goes to help our Pekes with medical care.

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