Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Hurricane Irene is headed our way. So, if you can't access the blog, it is because we have lost power and I can't post. When Hurricane Isabelle went through, we lost power for 10 days. UGH. At least we have a gas hot water heater, so we could have nice hot showers-- no electricity, hot and humid, but we could be clean haha.

We are supposed to get high winds here in Virginia Beach. With Hurricane Isabelle, we had a tree hit the house and lay there for five days until it could be lifted off. Pray nothing hits our home this time-- we have precious Pekes here and Emmie will be visiting until her foster mom returns. Emmie is recovering from surgery and will be in the playpen. I'll do a blog on her so you can see how precious she is!

For any of you in the hurricane path, here is information on how to remain safe, and keep your pets safe. Pray for all of us as this hurricane approaches. (Melinda, do you get hurricanes/typhoons in Australia?)

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes we sure get them here but usually up in the states of Queensland and New South Wales.

    Hey --- did you get the earthquake your way???? All over our news.
