Monday, August 22, 2011


I know people like "before and after," so I'm doing two of them today. This is Lucy. She was only a puppy when we got her-- under a year old. She was a beautiful black Peke whose owners didn't have time to give her, so they asked us to take her.

Pat Wilder, our secretary, said she would foster, and she became a "foster failure." Lucy has this close up shot and she's about a year and a half old now. I did blogs on her on June 17, 2010 and September 2, 2010. She's a beautiful girl!

This is Shark when we took him in. His owners could no longer afford to care for him, and he needed our help. He was good with kids and loved people and other dogs.

Shark now lives with other Pekes and some boys. He LOVES his kids!! Some Pekes are amazingly good with children. And Shark is one of them. ;-) (We tried changing his name to Clark and he would have none of it haha.)

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