Sunday, September 4, 2011


Today is Beach Bit's first birthday. You know I had to do a blog on that even though it doesn't involve Pekingese. Then again, everything in our house involves Pekes, but they aren't on this blog.

A year ago, Beach Bit was born early. He was on tubes and wires, but he was here and we loved him!

Now he's a big boy and loves going to the beach with his mommy.

And me (Moppy is my grandmom name)...

He can get a pout like no other baby I've seen.

He can make be laugh just by being there.

He and his daddy are two handsome men-- I call Beach Bit "my little man." (I have two "little men"-- my grandson Drill Bit is the other.)

There are times when I can just watch him sleep since he spends his days with me.

He can crinkle his nose and the world will light up.

And his smile brings a smile to those who see him.

Happy First Birthday, Beach Bit!!!


  1. Happy Birthday, Beach Bit! You are very special, but then again, so is your Grandmother.

  2. Happy Birthday, Beach Bit!! He is so blessed to have such a loving family! He is also such a cutie!!

  3. Such a cutie! ~ Happy 1st Birthday Beach Bit!

  4. Oh Happy Birthday Beach Bit!

    Moi Moi and Kenzo send their love too!!!
