Monday, September 19, 2011


Jojo was adopted several months ago and has a wonderful home in Maryland. He gets so much attention. One of the things he loves to do is play ball.

He's ready!!

Where did it go Jojo?

There it is-- get it Jojo!!

After playing ball and using all that energy, Jojo settles down to wait for dinner to be announced-- of course, I mean he's keeping an eye out for the move toward the kitchen. Mine know as soon as I grab the bowls and a spoon and they all run to the "dog desk" where I prepare their meals.

He heard the call and is waiting patiently for his bowl to be put in front of him. YUM!!

After dinner, it's time for a walk-- he's such a beautiful boy!

Oh, there's the tongue-- I love when Pekes' little tongues are poking out. He's heading back home now, but first...

it's time to run some! Look at his ears flying! Jojo, you are such a great dog! I loved you when you were here and am so glad I get to keep hearing stories about you.


  1. Oh Linda, you can see that JoJo is one happy chappy now!!!!

  2. Adorable! That is one happy little man. What a great family he became a part of. Congratulations!

  3. SO cute and wonderful photos too. I love the stories about the pekeys!!

  4. These pictures of JoJo in action are beautiful!
