Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I want you to meet Glitter. She is under ten pounds and seven years old. Her owner died and the family turned her and three others into a shelter in S.W. Virginia.

She had to have her nose opened (stenotic nare surgery) so that she could breathe better. A lot of Pekes have this and struggle to breathe their whole lives-- but if they come to us, we do something about it. She also had a dental and all her vaccines.

Here she is with Dollar, another foster dog in our group. Glitter does great with other dogs, not aggressive a bit. She is very timid though, and we know she must have gone through a lot with her previous owner. (We did find out some things that let us know it was not a healthy environment for her.) Glitter was filthy and it took many baths for her to smell and feel better. She was so nervous, but is doing much better thanks to the patience and love she is receiving. (THANK YOU LUCINDA AND ROGER!) Glitter would do well in a quiet house where she can feel safe and loved.

Her foster mom named her Glitter because she said once Glitter comes to trust people she will become a star! p.s. I just received an email from Glitter's foster mom. She said, "Glitter is great with our other dogs and with our cat. She is very housebroken. She is timid but very much wants to be with people. She has shown zero aggression towards anyone even when frightened. She will be a wonderful dog for someone with some love and patience."

** One of the dogs that came to the shelter with her died of distemper, but Glitter has passed the "danger" stage and is doing fine. Please make sure your pets are all updated on their shots-- not just rabies. We want them to have a healthy, long life.


  1. What a pretty peke Glitter is and she is a STAR already!
    I am sending her big Adoption Vibes :)

    * We do not have rabies here in Australia but we sure have distemper and parvo!!!
    All dogs need those injections!

  2. Glitter is really gorgeous and stunning. I also love pekingese dogs. They're very good indoor dogs. And know when to behave.
