Sunday, October 16, 2011


I just received an email from Denali's mom. Denali had been having back issues and was on medication and resting a lot. But, this morning, she died peacefully in her sleep about 10:00. My heart was breaking when I read her email because I had hoped Denali was doing better-- so her heart must have just let go. Denali was with Marilyn since 2007 when Denali's first mom could no longer care for her. Denali was only 12 years old-- so young to have to say goodbye.

Marilyn is very grateful that she had Denali for four years. Her grandson will help to bury Denali in her sister's yard-- maybe she can plant some flowers there to be as beautiful as Denali was in spirit and body. Rest in peace, sweet girl. I know your mom and doggy siblings will miss you so much.


  1. So very sorry. What a beautiful girl Denali was! My deepest sympathy to her loving family.

  2. We send our love to you from Australia.
