Sunday, October 9, 2011


Look at Sassy Marie now.

She barely resembles the little injured Peke we took into rescue this summer.

She has had her surgery and will have another recheck next week to see if she can spend more time outside of the playpen. She does love being on the deck and wandering (with supervision) in the yard.

The sun on her back feels so good.

She can be outside with her friends and they can keep an eye on her.

Hannah Joe is one of them. Hannah was keeping her company. Hannah is very shy and has never let me pet her when I've been at Jeanne's. But, she sure trusts Jeanne and Bill.

Look at her smile-- she feels so much better now.

Didi is keeping an eye on Sassy also. Just one eye. It gives her charm. :-)

And they are both very content to just hang out together. Oh, my, there's that tongue! So cute!!!


  1. LOL, I love the one eyed look:)I am so happy to hear such positive news about Sassy!
