Friday, November 4, 2011


We were asked to take in this little stray-- he had mats and needed attention for his eye.

You can't even see his eye here. He was keeping it closed because it hurt. His left eye is missing.

Paige, his foster mom, had him all cleaned up. And she had the vet see him and his eye feels so much better!

Look at him now. You can see he's a stocky little boy-- he weighs about 13 pounds, so he's not big.

Paige says Drew is a total sweetheart. He is great with the other dogs and is housebroken. WOW. Why don't I get those dogs. :-)

He likes toys and I think he's claiming this one-- either that or he's going to lick it. I see that tongue.

His coat is going to be very thick and long when it grows out-- we had to cut it down to get rid of the matting, but it will grow back beautifully.

Drew is going to be neutered and having his nasal folds reduced. You can see the fold is huge and affecting his eye.

His mom is a BIG Saints' fan. She's from New Orleans, so I'm sure game day is a lot of fun at her house. Drew is ready for the game!

Go Saints!


  1. Oh he is so cute - like a peke pom pom.

    good luck with the surgery Drew - he will feel alot better!

  2. Gorgeous Peke who deserves a loving home. Gracie Lu says hang in there Drew your time will come.
