Monday, December 12, 2011


Jingles was one of the Bristol 18 Pekes rescues from horrific living conditions. She was adopted a year ago and was a very loved part of her family.

She died suddenly. Her mom wrote, " It was quite sudden, on minute she was fine and then she quickly shut down. Thirty minutes after seeing her fine she was gone. It was devastating but she was not alone and I made sure she knew she was loved." We are so sorry for her family. Rest in peace, sweet Jingles.


  1. I lost my peke, Little Sir Sigmon on this same day also. I am devestated, he was everything to me. I know how you must feel too. I am so very sorry. I am here to chat if you need to talk. michelleharrissigmon on facebook

  2. What a shock that must have been.

    So sorry for you all but Jingles did have a year of wonderful life with people who adored her and that is a great thing!

  3. Michelle,
    I'm so sorry about your loss os Little Sir Sigmon. I know we're never ready when we have to let them go-- I sent a message to add you as a friend on our facebook.

  4. So sorry to here of your loss, I know the pain of loosing our precious friends, I just lost 2 of my
    mine in the recent months and it brings me to tears just thinking about them and seeing things like this. Rest a sure shes in a good place and she'll be waiting for you with lots of kisses, my prayers to you and your family
