Sunday, December 25, 2011


Today is Carey's birthday! What a joyful day to have a birthday. Carey and I have been friends for several years now and she is a wonderful woman and encourager. I hope she has a blessed birthday!

She sent me pictures of her home-- all decorated for Christmas. I love Christmas! I love the decorations, the carols, the peace that can come if we just slow down a bit and reflect on all our blessings.

Carey and her daughter took time out to have a little fun in the stocking stuffer section of the store.

Fu is wondering what they have on their head! Fu just came through serious trachea surgery after being injured by another dog-- we are so glad she's okay now!

Carey's house is full of Christmas-- from ornaments in a bowl...

to garland over doorways-- and a few pets there, too!

A mantle is decorated for the season.
There's a stunning tree in front of the large window. I think sitting there in the evening with the quiet and lights would be such a treat.

The foyer and stairs are all ready for Christmas. I love to see people's homes in their Christmas finery. So beautiful.

Here's another tree. I have three trees in my house-- so much fun.

There are snowmen and Santas.....

I'd like to sit there and enjoy it.

Caleb and Fu are and worn out from all the help they gave their mom to get the house ready for Christmas.

Fu is ready to sleep away the day.

But, she's awake again-- and asking what you got for Christmas. I'm sure I'll hear about lots of Christmas presents.

Caleb is just going to snooze. Opening presents and supervising Christmas dinner wore him out.

Caleb, Fu and Zoe want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and also wish their mom a Happy Birthday. We wish you all a wonderful Christmas, too!!


  1. Carey - you have a beautiful home and I wish you a happy birthday and Christmas!!!

    I have to tell you - Fu has such beautiful markings!!!

  2. Happy Birthday, Carey. Beautiful home and pictures. Merry Christmas to two and four legged residents! :)

  3. Thank you, Linda for this very special present, wrapped in love. May the love that was brought to us this day remain in your heart.
