Saturday, December 24, 2011


Parker was adopted and is now Teddy. His foster mom was actually calling him that and his new mom was going to choose it-- it was meant to be. Peanut is his new friend. She had her ears highlighted for Christmas and she looks beautiful!

His new mom is so glad to have him! When her daughter adopted two Pekes from us, she decided that she wanted one, too, and Teddy joined the family.

Teddy feels right at home and he and Peanut guard the stairs.

They are taking the job seriously-- can you tell? :-)

Their mom wanted the pups to pose under the tree-- a beautiful one! I love seeing Christmas trees.

Teddy and his sister are doing great with this photo session. I've received so many wonderful Christmas pictures that I'll have to do blogs after Christmas with them, too.

I'm so glad Teddy joined this family. He'll be with his family, and his sister, Peanut, and his mom's daughter's family and her three dogs, and what a Christmas it will be!

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