Friday, February 3, 2012


Jeanne's house is always full of dogs. She has more than I do and more than Paige right now. Jeanne wins-- but there's no prize! :-( Above is Captain, who just came into rescue. He is having eye treatment and may end up losing an eye that is blind. We're trying though.

He has a pretty bad haircut, but it will grow out and he'll be beautiful. He's a very nice boy.

He has a sweet personality and gets along with the other dogs.

He likes to go out in the yard. He's in a little mini-yard in this picture. It connects to the bigger yard. I bet he sees the other dogs out there.

I bet he can see DiDi (bottom step) and Hannah. That's Gracie on the top step and she's in her forever home now.

Carter is in this picture. He was one of the Bristol 18 puppies-- and look how big he is now. And he is full of himself!

They are all sunbathing. Can I join them?

DiDi, Hannah (in back) and Jill Lee share a bed. I want to get some of those beds-- one day! For the dogs, not me. haha

This is Latte. He is also one of Jeanne's fosters. He does have some food aggression, so Jeanne is working on that. We hope to find him a home soon. He's very loving as long as there is no food around.

I'll have more pictures of Latte tomorrow. Stay tuned!!

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