Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Desi, our model Pekingese, and her friend Cassidy, spent Memorial Day last year having fun. Desi sent me the pictures to share with all of you since we just had Memorial Day. I didn't realize this used to be called Decoration Day-- it was changed in the 1960's. Did you know that? Desi was sitting on the deck, looking out on the water. She really wanted to go kayaking. She has a life preserver just for her.Desi told me she "let her hair down a little to play in the water without any clothes on, but it was okay because she was on her very own island and nobody was around."
She also said that she "may look like a fragile little Diva, but I am a tomboy at heart and love to bike and kayak-- letting her Dad do all the paddling and letting him carry her when she gets tired of walking."Cassidy navigates for her mom. Desi wrote me an email, and she told me that. Cassidy and Desi are very good at navigating. I'm sure their parents would get lost without them doing such a good job.I think Desi is pushing the kayak off-- ready to go!"I'm ready!"Here she is with her Dad-- And she's doing a very good job.She has more adventures-- and outfits!-- than any dog I know. She is making sure there are no obstacles on the water. I think it's safe.And the trip is over. Time to get out and go home.I know she had a great time--she's going to let me know if they were able to go again this year. I wonder if her outfits have changed. Did she get a new life preserver? (Right after these pictures were taken, someone dared to paddle past Desi's island and she had to chase them away. She already had her life preserver off, and she ran into deep water over her head before her mom grabbed her. Her mom was sure she was going to have to do CPR on the spot-- she's a veterinarian, so she knows how-- but Desi was fine. No pictures were taken, which made Desi happy, because she wouldn't want her fans to see her dripping wet!)


  1. Oh that Desi is something else!!

    LOL !!!

  2. Desi is certainly a blessed Peke! She leads a royal life I think which is how it should be. I think she is a little "diva-ish" cause you can see it in her face! She reeks of royal lineage:)

  3. What a fun life Desi has and what wonderful adventures ;-) I enjoyed reading her story about her family and her outings! Thank you for sharing!
