Sunday, May 6, 2012


Harper had a great time at the picnic. He met his new parents there! They were going on a trip, but are going to get him once they are back home in a few weeks. So, I get to enjoy this sweet boy a little longer.We went to Jeanne's on the way home-- and Harper slid through the hole between the two captain's seats in my van. It was the funniest picture-- he was fine. :-)He loved Jeanne's yard and was fascinated by the water features there. The sound of water running and gurgling makes Jeanne's back yard so peaceful.Harper wanted to see the fish there. I had hold of his leash, but there is also a mesh cover. We've had a few dogs try to "walk on water" there. Quite a shock for their feet to get wet. Harper didn't go in, so he remained dry!He checked out her deck area....
and then peeked through the railing.He came down and sat under Matt's legs-- he was a little insecure, which he is in new places.There are so many fun things to see in the yard. I've done a number of blogs on Jeanne's garden. There will be another one tomorrow!There are beautiful and funny things hanging there.Neat signs and pretty objects are there.The dogs have a fantastic place to play, walk paths and hang out in.I liked this sign.Harper saw himself in a mirror on the fence. He was fascinated by the beautiful dog he saw! Himself!The dog in the mirror didn't respond, so he continued on. Harper even tried to look around the mirror.He loved it and after visiting awhile, we continued on home. Look for more on the garden tomorrow!

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