Monday, May 7, 2012


Didi (Jeanne's "heart" Peke) welcomed us to her garden. Carter didn't want us there and has to visit the playpen. Harper loved walking around and exploring new things.Maddy was there for a few days and he watched the fish in the pond. (It has a mesh covering.)I think this is a Blue Heron. I think he's hoping to catch something-- but he won't. He is made of metal.Jill Lee poses with it.Hannah has seen me many times, but doesn't trust strangers. Maybe one day, she'll come to me. She's a sweet girl, but had a rough beginning.I love this picture of Maddy-- he's the Peke we just took in, but he already has a home pending! He'll be going the end of the month. He's a really nice boy.He liked the pond and kept walking near the edge. Even though he was safe, I kept darting for him. :-)Hello, sweet boy!Yes, that's another side of the pond.Okay, enough with the pond, Maddy. There's a lot more in the garden! hahaStill interested-- sneaking up on the other side. Whew! He decided to explore the garden house.And then he checked out the other garden house with the purple door. Harper wanted to see inside, but you can't. He's going to wait until it opens! He knows Jeanne just went in there.Jill and Sassy Marie waited at the door for us to come back in.And Didi joined them. What a wonderful visit we had with everyone!

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