Thursday, May 17, 2012


I received the biopsy results on Wicket, my daughter's Peke. She brought him last week to see my vet and an xray showed a lung tumor. Then on Tuesday, he had an ulrasound and needle biopsy. I was given the results today.They were better than I had thought they would be. The tumor seems to be the primary cancer-- usually lung cancer is the secondary cancer. (This could be the case, but it doesn't seem to be.) Wicket also has a lot of good, healthy lung tissue, which is great news. Other than coughing, he is still active, loves to eat his dinner, and adores playing with Harper, my Peke foster puppy. He is on temaril-P, which has a steroid in it, and it seems to be helping. Thank you all for your comments and emails about this amazingly sweet Peke. He is 13 and has had a wonderful, loved life and we hope it is much longer!! (I will update you on Pooh and Lafite as I get updates.)

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