Friday, June 22, 2012


This is Brandy showing off her Thundershirt. She has a fancy one. Well, Gracie Lu sent me an email about thundershirts. Here's what she said:
Dear Ms. Linda,
I am really worried about my MOM. That storm really upset her.
Didn't bother me a bit. I just laid down and slept but Mom was so nervous and I told her things would be okay and I would take care of her. I saw that you use thunder shirts for little Pekes who are scared of storms. Do you know where I can get a thunder shirt for my Mom? And do you think that might help her? Sure wish she would listen to me when I tell her things are going to be okay.
Love Gracie LUHere's what I wrote her back:
Gracie, I'm so glad you wrote me! I love your emails. Tell your mom the best "thunder shirt" is just to hold on to you. They don't make them in her size. Just doggy sizes. I'm so glad she has you for a best friend. And to give her comfort when there is a big storm!
Miss LindaGracie's mom also sent me pictures of the finished railings on her porch. Remember how hard Gracie worked to supervise them going in. Her neighbor put them in and Gracie's mom said that good neighbors are God's gift to us. They even had a ribbon cutting! Now it's safer to walk down the steps. I'd like some of those on my steps. They look great-- you did a wonderful job, Gracie Lu!

1 comment:

  1. I love the ribbon cut !! Did the Queen attend??? Oh yeah - Gracie was there and she IS the Queen!!!

    Jane --- here is how you can get a thundershirt for yourself ......
    buy a t-shirt three sizes too small and squeeze into that when those storms hit!! LOL

    Love to you both Jane and Ms Gracie
    Melinda, Moi Moi and Coco who is feeling better today (bad back)
