Sunday, July 8, 2012


Lacy Bean wrote me an email! I know the smartest Pekingese. Here's what she said.Dear Miss Linda,
Let me tell you about the great discovery Mr. Winks and I made. We hadn't had power for awhile. Mommy and Daddy were making sure we stayed cool, and comfortable. They even gave us frozen pumpkin treats (Daddy was smart and got a generator a few years ago just in case, and he hooked up the refrigerator).... Whoops, I got side tracked.We went out to play in the morning before it got way too hot and you wouldn't believe what we found. A TURTLE! (Whoops, same picture twice-- my blogging skills are lacking here!)
Mr. Winks and I just didn't know what to make of it. We sniffed and walked around it. It didn't move so I guess it just wasn't interested in playing with us.Then, just as we walked away a bit, that rascal of a turtle popped his head out. Maybe, he really DID want to play. We went back over and poof! He head went away. They don't run fast like the bunnies and the squirrels we chase. It was exciting though. Then, Daddy decided that the turtle needed to get back to his family and he took it to the other side of the fence. We hope the turtle comes back to play.By the way, Lafite thought the turtle was boring. He didn't even bother to come and see it. I bet since he is older than us, he was thinking those younger ones getting all excited about a turtle and he just sat and watched.
Stay cool and give all our friends at your house a hug for us.
Hope to see you soon!
Big Peke kisses,
Love, Lacy and Mr. Winks