Thursday, July 19, 2012


Look at this face-- who could resist. He was turned into a shelter by his owner who "no longer had time for him." Macey is 12 years old-- he deserves to be loved and we took him into rescue. He is a tiny thing-- just a little over 8 pounds. And SWEET!!!He wants to be held and will really bless his forever family. We have someone who was waiting for an older dog, so we think he may be just the one. We hope so!I know his foster mom is enjoying him for now. I would love to meet this little one!


  1. The girls and I want him!!!! We have time for him!!!

    My girls think he is a "spunk muffin" ---- Mmmmm they are going :)

    Does he have a passport ????

  2. Macey has a beautiful face. And yes, who could resist it? Hope you get your furever home very soon!

  3. He has the Cutest Sugar Doll Face of All! Sending Love, Blessings and Healing to Angel Macey <3
