Saturday, August 25, 2012


Gracie Lu went to the vet-- she loves going there. A lot of her friends are there.Amanda is one of them-- "Hello, Gracie!"Bailey, her friend, went with her to give her support. Gracie's picture is on the shelf!This is the groomer -- she gave Gracie Lu a bath and got rid of a lot of the undercoat. She sure is cooler now.And here is Dr. Carpenter. Gracie loves her! She always greets Gracie and her mom like special people-- and they are.Bailey was waiting for her to come out, and she did. Dana, who works there, gave her a kiss. I know Gracie gave her one right back.Everyone just sat on the floor and played. Brentwood Clinic is in Portsmouth, VA and Gracie loves them all. (But, she likes her buddy Bailey the best.)It was a wonderful visit! Thank you for sharing your visit with us, Gracie.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Gracie Lu from your girlfriends in Australia - Moi Moi and Coco !!
    Gracie --- SNAP !!!
    We got our baths today too and we are smelling sweet like you are too but , we had to stay inside as it is still winter here!

    Kisses Gracie from Moi and Coco xx
