Wednesday, August 29, 2012


We have many loving Pekes in foster care now. We have taken in a record number who have been in shelters, neglected and in poor medical condition. (Lolli-Pop and Beau-Beau above-- I love this pair!)Tommy, above, had four applications, but they all fell through for one reason or another. He is a dollbaby! He's still waiting for his forever home.Beach Bit is so sad that there are so many needing homes-- but I told him we are taking care of all of them.Wheatly is a 1 year old who was turned in by his owner to a shelter-- and they had turned in another one last fall to the same shelter. Look at those teeth! :-)Drill Bit said he is really happy we are taking care of them. I think he picked a flower for Jeanne who is his honorary grandmother or aunt. She loves this boy! The gang at my house says, "Time to adopt some!" So we decided that we are having a September special. For all those who have adopted from us before, we are offering a half price "special" if they would like to add a sweet Peke to their home. We know our previous adopters are wonderful and so we are making this offer to them. We are offering our sweet seniors at half price to any approved adoptive home. We just want to let them go to their forever ome-- and then we will have room to help more. If you have room and love for another, please let us know.

1 comment:

  1. so many wonderful peke! I hope they ALL get adopted ~ and more can be saved :)
