Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Beach Bit turned two years old last week. This is how he ate his birthday cake. I shared the picture with Gracie and her mom- and Gracie said she eats the same way!She had her mom send me pictures to show me how she does it.She licks her plate clean......Then, she puts her paw on it to tip it a bit so she can make sure it's all clean. It's a neat trick that she has to hold the plate in place!After she's done, she looks at her mom, saying "I can have a treat now." Maybe you should have had some of Beach Bit's birthday cake! We could have saved a piece for you.


  1. Oh Ms Gracie .... you lick that plate clean girrrrrrl !!!! LOL

  2. Ginkgo says: Yep, Gracie, that's how it's done. Lick the plate clean and get every bite even if you have to hold the plate with your paw. If it is a paper plate, you shred it after you've licked it clean! That's what I do.
