Friday, September 7, 2012


Lady Weezie came into rescue in September of 2008. She was a senior Peke who was found wandering down a highway on her own.She came to me for fostering and she was such a wonderful girl. She was older, but I think they have so much love to give and are so deserving of having a place to live out their lives. Lady Weezie, Christmas 2010, was showing her age a little more, but she still enjoyed lounging under the Christmas tree.It was a good place to take a nap.Any place was a good place to take a nap. :-)She showed even an "attack cat" mat was okay to rest on. We knew Weezie wasn't the attack dog here. :-)Tearing and shreding paper was a great passtime. "Who me?" It must have been exhausting so she took a nap. Again. She had a beautiful little bed where her old bones could take a break. It was harder and harder for her to get around. Her joints were freezing up and it was hard to pull herself around the room since her back legs weren't working much anymore. She enjoying having her mom bring her dish to her. She still appreciated a good meal. Her mom will miss their daily conversations-- Weezie did LOVE to talk. Weezie, we love you. Rest in peace, little one.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that. She looked like such a sweet girl and her expression even reminds me a little of my Weezie....I am glad you were able to give her a peacful, loving home to stay till it was her time. Bless you and RIP Lady Weezie. You were precious!

  2. A little fighter! I can tell she never let it get her down. You gave to her and she gave to you. Blessings

  3. I am so sorry for your loss - Lady Weezie (gosh I love that name! ) looked a darlin grand dame and I bet you miss her heaps.
