Saturday, September 22, 2012


Toby came into rescue last week.    He had been in two homes already and neither of them took care of him.    He had a collar so tight on his neck that I didn't realize it was there.
At the vet, they said he was 5-6 months old because of his puppy teeth.   
He had ear mites and a double ear infection, but those are being taken care of now.     He will be neutered in October when he is six months old.
He was at my house for a bit before his foster mom picked him up.   You can see his hair was cut off and it is very coarse-- good nutrition will fix that.
He loved my gang here, but I could not foster him since I already have too many here.    He'll have fun at his foster home though.  Odin is there.       
Here is a video of him playing with his bed.   They love their beds!  
Click here: tobyvideo - YouTube
If you are interested in adopting, apply through our web site.


  1. He is really cute Linda and I loved the video of Toby and his killer bed ! LOL

  2. when i saw this post i had to comment. I am still heart broken over the loss over our pekingese Toby in 2009. Our toby had yeasties on his fur and his fur would be very coarse too. As long as we washed him Malaseb shampoo this coat was beautiful!! good luck little toby!!! I wish I could adopt you!
