Thursday, October 25, 2012


Caryn fostered for us and this is one of her own precious dogs.   Norma Jean lost her battle yesterday after fighting hard to stay with her mom.   Her mom is devastated.   We just want you to rest now, little one.   She posted this on her facebook page. 

I have left you now
but please don't be sad.
You did so much for me in my time here
and I'll always hold those precious times near.
I know someday you'll find love again
and into your life will come a new friend.
Your heart will heal, though you'll never forget
memories like the first time we met.
Memories are wonderful, so keep them close
and remember all the good times the most.
Up to the Heaven for animals is where I'll be
and someday in the future, each other we will see.
I am at PEACE now, so please don't be sad.
You gave me all the love you had.
by:  Tracy M. Johnson


  1. Seems like we've lost so many Pekes in this very large and loving community this year. I'm very, very sorry for this loss and I hope her mom can come to dry her tears and remember what a blessing Norma Jean was in so many ways. She was very lucky to have her. Rest in peace, sweet little girl.

  2. So very sorry for your loss and I know no amount of words makes it better but try to remember the goods times so that the tears are tears of joy. Your baby is no longer suffering and will be waiting for you!

  3. So sorry for her mama's loss.... What a beautiful little peke.

  4. So sorry for her mama's loss.... What a beautiful little peke.
