Saturday, October 20, 2012


 This is Reese.   She lives in the Richmond area.    Isn't she beautiful!
 This is Lulu Belle and her daddy.    Her parents want a second dog, but Lulu doesn't agree.  She's like being the only one.   Some are like that, :-).
 Ginny Lee is doing great in her new home.    She loves to dress up, too.    Well, maybe only long enough for a few pictures!   Look out Desi and Diva Pearl!  
She knows where all the comfy spots are to nap and cuddle. She will also wave her legs in the air if she wants to be picked up and put in bed with her kids. She doesn't want to be excluded from anything! 
And here is Macey-- he was adopted and live in N.Va. He lives with Kim's mom-- Kim has been helping us and was the reason her mom got Macey. And now Macey decided that Kim cannot touch his toys! He just doesn't seem to know that Kim is the reason he is there. Funny Pekes!
This is Emma-- she was my foster dog in 2006. She lives in Maryland now and is so loved there!
Little Annie-- 9 pounds now!-- with her friend, Haley. Annie was the little one I got out of the animal control near me-- I thought her tail was hidden, but turned out she didn't have one. It had been docked. She doesn't mind-- she can wag her tiny tail anyway.  I love getting updates from our adopted dogs.    We enjoy hearing how well they are doing!


  1. Aren’t I adorable? Don’t tell my Daddy…but I am really Momma’s girl!

  2. All are so sweet and you can tell they are super happy :)
