Tuesday, November 27, 2012


As the year draws to a close, we are posting some fundraisers to helps raise funds for our precious foster dogs.     We get requests on a very regular basis to take in more-- some we have no choice but to say no.  And that is so difficult.  It's not often, but it hurts our heart.    The ones we do take need multiple medical procedures.    So, every bit helps.  To all of you who have supported us in funds, caring, loving thoughts-- thank you!    We know in this economy, there is not as much  money to go around.    If you can use one of these fundraisers to buy gifts or something for yourself, here are the links!   We-- and our Pekes-- say THANK YOU!

http://www.fundinco.org/orghome.php?orgid=230   (You can log in at the top of the screen so that our rescue get credit.)

https://beckylarose.scentsy.us/Scentsy/Buy?partyId=119075589   Scentsy is a great way to buy gifts for yourself and others.

For those who like Fondue, here's your link: https://putfuninfondue.velata.us/Velata/Home

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