Thursday, November 1, 2012


 Why is this picture so big on my blog?   It may change when I post it, but for now it's BIG.   This is Alastor-- the Peke that was saved who was in such horrific condition.   He is doing well now.
 He's a big tough cowboy.    He had his dental and neuter and has gained 3 pounds!   He does have a heart murmur, but he is enjoying life so much.   He is fostered at Roger and Lucinda's home.
 Here's Cassidy-- Desi's brother.    I think the boys like to be cowboys.    They're all so cute.
Bear's picture will not post correctly-- I don't know why, but it kind of fits his personality haha. He's his own dog!
 This cutie is Gilbert!   Look at that sweet boy.  He was rescued with his brother, Sullivan,     (Sullivan died this year of heart issues.)
 Gilbert came as a one-eyed monster-- scary!!
When I visited all of them in August, Gilbert just loved to roll over for a belly rub.    I don't think he's scary at all. :-)   

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