Monday, November 26, 2012


 Just in case you think that all I do is Pekingese rescue, let me give you another side of  my life.    We had a BUSY week-end.    Kai Kai is exhausted and is totally out on the couch.  I'm ready to join him.
 We had eight dogs here-- I know that's nothing compared to a few other people, but it's a lot here.    My daughter was in town with her kids and dogs, my other daughter lives down the street with her family (and Beach Bit!) and her two dogs.    Drill Bit above, was having a great time in the living room-- which is now a giant toy room.  He was  playing under the grand piano.    Lots of toys there.
 Bitty Bit was in the yard, and you can see a leaf on her sweater.  Yes, they were playing in the leaf piles.
 Drill Bit used his hoe to help get the leaves into a pile.
 Then, Lil Bit (who is now 9!) and Bitty Bit (who is 5) decided Poppy should bury them under the piles of leaves.
 That was fun!
 Drill Bit say, "HI MISS JEANNE."   I think he wants a hug!
My husband, the greatest grand-pa "Poppy" was very willing to take piles of leaves over them.    And then, today, everyone went home. Oh my, the house is a wreck of toys, but we had so much fun.    Butterscotch was adopted, so we just have our dogs-- they are beside themselves with the quiet!    It's blissful for them after a very busy week-end of kids and dogs and toys.........................and Thanksgiving.  (No turkey for them.)
 Scooterbug (my 11 year old Peke) is so tired.
 Kai Kai is just ready for a long nap and Cranberry is ready to have no one interrupt her schedule.
 Kai Kai knows the kids will be back (you can see riding toys behind him), but for now, he's content to have some quiet in the house.
Max had a great time with me in the yard chasing his toy, and then he came in... and crashed in front of the Thomas the Train tent.   (It's amazing how "nice" rooms become just big toy rooms.)    Any room is a good place to veg for a dog though- especially after the busy Thanksgiving holiday!  Hope all of you had a wonderful one!


  1. I feel like Scooterbug looks - exhausted! LOL

    Wow - what fun Linda but a lot of work too.

    When my grandkids come over the girls hide except for Moi Moi - Frida , my grand daughter adores her and gets upset if Moi is NOT in her bed so she keeps on Moi's trail all the time! They are happy when my two grandkids go home!
    Shhhhh --- I am too! LOL

  2. Wow, I am exhausted just looking at all this! I am so glad I stayed home this year. We went to Golden Corral (great dinner-we vegged for 2 hours:) Then my grandaughter brought me carry outs from NC so I had the best of both worlds. I sure don't think I could have done what you did this year! It is a lot of fun, but it does wear you out and it takes almost to Christmas to recover and then it happens all over again:) However, it is a great blessing to be able to have the ones we love so much surround us, no matter the mess! Honestly, though, you did look tired this morning so just rest today at least!
