Wednesday, November 21, 2012


 Moi Moi and CoCo are in Australia and while it gets colder here, it's getting hotter there.
 They can go outside for a stroll in the yard, and the temperature is mild and easy to deal with for  Pekes.
 There might be a light breeze, which makes it even better.
 They can lay around or wander-- it's wonderful outside.
 CoCo is enjoying time where she can relax in the sunshine.
 Look at that face!  She was rescued from a breeder in Australia.  
 And she loves her new life.
 It's time to just be a dog..
And have a stunning yard to roam in-- life is good!


  1. There are my girls Linda !!
    I am getting both cut back in December as summer here in Oz is VERY hot !

    Those two girls run our house! LOL :)

  2. They are both so very beautiful. Their heritage really shows in these 2. And they always have such a contented look. I know they are so loved! Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  3. Thankyou Toni - the girls run the house and we adore them doing this , especially Coco for we have had her a year now and she was very timid and still is but .... she does break out and get cheeky some times so that is a good sign:)
