Monday, December 10, 2012


Daisy and Onslow's daddy wants to raise money for our foster dogs.    Both dogs think this is a great idea!     They were rescued by their daddy and now have an incredible life.
Their daddy said for every dollar that is donated and he is told about it by them, he will match it.   Here's what he said, "I challenge you to forgo that Starbucks coffee, that next McDonalds drive thru, that pair of shoes you really don't need. If you want to help me out, let me know, I will send you my address, you send me a check made out to Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue - I will double every contribution and post a picture of the check I send on this page. Please think about it and help me out.
Onslow and Daisy thank you :)"      THANK YOU!   I love our supporters!  If you would like to contact him, please send me an email to and I will forward it to him.

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