Tuesday, December 4, 2012


This sweet boy is Beau-Beau. He is being fostered
in NC along with Lolli-Pop.
 They live with 4 other Pekes and two Dobies.    They Dobies are silly.
    The Dobies think they are Pekingese. :-)
I asked Kay and Claretta why they foster and here's what they said,  "Why do we foster? The simple answer is, we love pekingese and strive to make their lives feel wonderful. In addition, pekes are rather like M & M's in that you just can't have one; it's so easy to put down one more food bowl and squeeze one more into the vet schedule. We've been involved with fostering for many years. Beau and Lolli-Pop are our first fosters for PVPC. "
 Kay and Claretta have huge hearts for rescue dogs.    They have adopted many and are fostering a few, too.   Above is Teddy, 7 years old.    He was their first PVPC adoption.  They said, "LUCKY US!"    They have told me that he is their PPB-- Perfect Peke Boy. :-)
 Next, they adopted Tess, a beautiful fawn Peke.  She was their second PVPC adoption.   They said, "EVEN LUCKIER FOR US."  Tess loves Christmas trees and she doesn't mind that hers is "green plastic."  (So is mine, Tess!)   She curled herself up making herself the very best present!
 Then, they said, "Give us a hard to adopt one."   Well, Domino had severe separation issues.      They adopted him and said, "Lucky to the 3rd power." 
 This beautiful little Christmas girl is their 8 year old Miss Maggie.    Don't you want to kiss her!    She is a morning girl and by 6:30, she has the crew racing through the yard in a game of "you can't catch me!"   It's the very best way to begin each day.
 Kay and Claretta are fostering Loli-Pop.   She is adorable!   She has a lot of allergies, but they have given her incredible care and made wonderful head-way.   Is she headed for foster failure?    My heart hopes so.   I know there's no better place for her or....
 Beau-Beau!    Are you a reindeer sweet thing?    He is their velcro dog.   A funny thing he did during a storm was "hide" in the bathroom sink.  Not under the counter, not in a closet, but right on top of the counter in the sink.   One of his Peke siblings told on him.  "He is in here."  He is camera shy and kept trying to hide from the flash-- did you go for the sink again?
 Oh, my, here come the pair pictures!    Maggie and Domino, all ready for Santa to arrive.   Or are they thinking, "WHAT is on my head?"
 Here's Lolli-Pop and Tess.     What an adorable picture!   I love the little head tilts.
 Here's Teddy and Beau-Beau.   I see those teeth and your tongue peeking out-- or is it "peaking" out?
 They managed to get all six Pekes on the couch!   WOW.   I'll have to attempt this, but somehow here, I'm not sure it will get done.    
And to complete the picture, their two Dobies, Trena and Tori, join the fun!!  I don't think they want to be there. :-)   I'm so glad Kay and Claretta are helping us-- they have told me that in a perfect world there would be no need for rescue-- but this isn't a perfect world and we are so glad for the help they and others give us.    Merry Christmas!


  1. You are right - peke's are like M&M's !!! LOL

  2. What a happy household....wish I could foster and if I ever able, I certainly will... that's wonderful and I thank God every day for rescuers and fosters and all animal lovers :-) thank you!!!!
