Sunday, December 2, 2012


 Check out this sweet boy.   He is only 15 months old and still a puppy!  
 He is fully paper trained, but will go out in the back yard with his foster Pekes.
 He was turned into a shelter by owners who had not taken care of him, but he is turning into a beautiful boy.
 Look at those teeth!
 He loves toys.   
 He will dance on his back legs for you when you come in-- he's so excited!
Wheatly is an enthusiastic boy and about 20 pounds-- a big one.   If you would be interested in this sweet boy joining your family, let us know!


  1. He looks so happy - I hope he gets a wonderful home this time :)

  2. OMD! He looks so happy! Love to see them when they look so well adjusted and just full of puppy:)
