Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Maizie's foster mom decided to foster after her sweet girl Pooh died.    Here is what Dee said, "I originally didn't foster because my little Pooh didn't like other dogs. Now I have a crazy little girl, Mazie, who was in good health when I got her, but had been abused and was frightened. She tolerated me..up to a point. Three months later she is trusting me more, and she has totally attached herself to Larry. I see her real personality coming out more each day. She's becoming the dog she is meant to be. Fostering and adopting gives these little ones a second chance. Their first chance at a good life was removed, through cruelty or loss. As responsible people, we need to remember that we share the world with animals. They have the same needs that we do, warmth, food, safety and love. Fostering and adopting allows us to share what we have with them. In return, they give us back so much; and they add balance to our lives. I foster because I have always loved cats and dogs, any animals; and I want to return the blessings that I have received in my life."    Maizie had surgery last week, and is doing great. But, Maizie sent me an email and here's what it said:  "Dear Miss Linda and Miss Jeanne;
It has been a rough week. After long times of playing and taking rides in the car, I went to the vet...not sure why, but now I'm a little tender. Mommy and Daddy give me lots of care, good food and they let me rest when I'm tired. I could tell they were worried before I went to the vet; they need lots of care too. So, I've decided that my Mommy and Daddy should keep me! I checked with them and they say it's OK, and they have to let you know. So I am very happy in my new home, I love my Daddy; Mommy is OK, but I am a Daddy's girl, and he would be so lonely without me there to watch over him. Thank you for getting me together with my family. My other years were hard, but now I am safe!
Connor also found his forever home.   This super sweet boy came into rescue last fall.    He is seven years old and a wonderful boy with kids and adults alike.    He now has his own home in Richmond and loves his new family.    We're so happy for you, Connor!!

1 comment:

  1. What lovely news!
    I hope Maizie starts to feel well after the Vet visit.

    As for connor ---- what a beautiful white peke!
    The famous author , Barbara Cartland ( she of the romantic novels) always had a white peke!
