Sunday, January 13, 2013


Beth (who is fostering Teddy) mentioned that soup in the winter is a wonderful way to eat.  I love soup when it's cold.   My Cranberry LOVES the cold weather, especially the snow.   Her "snow dance" should begin any day now.   Maybe we'll get some snow down here-- we are a bit south for snow, but we do get some.  (This was taken several years ago.)
  Scooterbug would love soup, too-- but he has to stick with dog food.
When you can see snow outside, or the winds are biting and cold, soup is GOOD.
I thought I'd share a recipe I just had.  It is from Southern Living (Dec. 2012) but of course, I took it and changed it and made it work for me.    I call it Sausage Chicken Gumbo, but in Southern Living it's called Cajun Chicken Cassoulet..Here it is:  (let me know if you try it)

5 sausage links (you can use Cajun smoked sausage or chicken sausage which I get at Sam's club)
5 chicken breasts cut up in pieces (or whole chicken thighs/Southern Living)
1 t. salt
l large onion (I love onion)
1 medium bell pepper (I left this out, but add it if you like)
2 celery ribs
4 garlic cloves (I use minced garlic-- I keep a large container of it, love it!)
2 cans of white beans or garbanza beans, your preference
2 cans diced tomatoes (14 ounce)
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
large bag of okra (I LOVE okra and this makes it a gumbo for me)
1 1/2 t. Cajun seasoning

 I just cook in a large pan and let simmer, stirring often.    I serve with salad and hot bread, but my husband likes it over rice so that's another option.  Oh, yummy, I think I'll have leftovers for lunch!  The Pekes will want some, too, but they'll have to settle for a special treat. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oooo - looks cold your way!
    We have a cool day today but ... its going to heat up again by Wednesday - oh well, its summer .
