Friday, February 15, 2013


 I just picked up Abner at a rural shelter yesterday.    He had been there a month or so and had an eye injury.
 He is a small Peke, at 8.5 pounds.   He is 6-8 months old.  
 Susan (who is fostering Champagne Bubbles) went with me and we had a great visit to rescue this little one.
 He went straight to my vet because he needed meds for his eyes.   He has had a puncture wound in his left eye and chances are, he has no vision in that eye.   He also needs canthroplasty surgery to close in his eyes some so they don't "bulge" and we don't want them to do that!   He'll have that surgery next Wednesday.
 He met Piper here and was timid-- and Piper was thinking, "I'm not the new guy now?"  
But, after a few minutes, these two were doing play bows and enjoying each other.  Here's a video of him meeting mine and the fosters here.   Click here: abnergang - YouTube


  1. Oh my Linda ! I just took coco to my Vet for a eye prob today too.

    I think this little guy is so cute and I hope you find a loving home for him soon .

  2. Oh wow! What a perfect meet and greet! Everyone was so polite and even Abner was so impressed he had to yawn. Everyone got a sniff and a wag and lost interest.

  3. He is adorable! I just love the yawn in the middle of the inquisition! Too funny. He sure is laid back cause that was overwhelming!

  4. He did great while meeting your Peke's! Mine would not stand for the inquisition. He is going to make someone a happy person. What a love!
