Wednesday, February 6, 2013


I didn't wish Marilyn a happy birthday yesterday!   I just realized today that it was her birthday.
 Marilyn has fostered several dogs for us and given love and a calm home to some who really needed it.
Jelly-- Jie-Li, which mean pure joy--came to her in 2011.   We realized he was one of our adopted dogs, and the owners  just let him out.   (We try to screen our adopters, but this bad one got through our process and abandoned this sweet boy.)    Marilyn patiently loved this boy to health again and he is so much happy now.   (And he stayed-- a foster failure.   Jelly just needed to NOT move again, and he has his forever home.)
I asked her why she fostered, and she said this:   "Because someone has to do it. If someone hadn't fostered my first rescue, Mattie, I'd never have discovered the enrichment he and other Pekes have brought and continue to bring to my life. There is a sense of satisfaction and that I HAVE made a difference for good in the this world, when I get a scruffy, frightened dog and work with him/her and watch a beautiful loving companion blossom! I have a decal for my car that says "Who Rescued Who?" To pull a frighten little dog from a bad situation, shelter or other, and to watch as their confidence grows and to watch as they learn to trust again, is a wonderful experience. Do they all turn out wonderful? No, but the ones that do, make up for it. My God is a god of second, third and really innumerable chances and, I think abandoned dogs (all pets and people) should be afforded another chance as well. I strive to show Christ's love. Sometimes with people and sometimes with God's other creatures."    Thank you, Marilyn!!  And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


  1. Happy "Belated" Birthday, Marilyn! And thanks for all that you do for the Pekes and other creatures.

  2. Happy Birthday from the gang in Australia
