Saturday, February 23, 2013


 Hollyberry came into rescue in December and was in pretty rough shape.     She had extensive surgery for mammory tumors.   Her  "insides" were in bad shape.  
 Her biopsy results showed that she had cancer, but the margins were clear and we hoped for the best!
 This month, however, some tumors began to return, so the vet checked her out again-- she had to have more surgery.     This little girl is very loved and we wanted to do all we could for her.  The vet said we had no option but to do another surgery.  
 We did the surgery, and again, she had staples from one end to the other. I felt so bad for her!  
This time, though, the biopsy showed NO CANCER!!   They were just growths, but not dangerous.   She is with her new mom now and she will make sure she is checked regularly.   Her new mom loves her so much and so does her mom's friend, Karen (who takes care of Hollyberry when her mom is out of town).    This little girl will have a wonderful life now!   Thank you to all of you who help us so that we can take care of these little ones in our care.    Hollyberry thanks you, too!


  1. Oh Hollyberry - I wish you and your new family all the best!!!

  2. This pretty little girl finally "came home". I pray she has no return of the masses and that she lives out her life in love and luxury! Thank you for helping her find her way.

