Friday, February 1, 2013


Macaroon came into rescue in December and stayed with our Roanoke vet for awhile until he got healthy.
Then, he came to Virginia Beach and is staying with some new doggy friends.   The's Daisy in front and Marco Polo in the back.  
Looks like Macaroon got the bed!     Chester and his ears are in front.    Chester is a blind dog and has no problem playing and getting around.    (We just got a sweet blind Peke into rescue-- Champagne Bubbles-- look for her blog.)
Macaroon is playful and gets along great with the other dogs.    He also does well with Toni's grandkids.
Is my home out there?  I'm looking for it.
Chester loves him, but knows he'll have to have his own home.
Daisy says, "I'll miss Macaroon-- just wait until that perfect family gets him!!"
We hope it's soon-- he deserves it.
Click here: Online Application adopt - Potomac Valley Pekingese Club

1 comment:

  1. That Macaroon is so handsome - I hope he finds a home real soon!
