Friday, February 8, 2013


 Little Popsickle came into rescue when his previous owner went into the hospital for surgery and turned him over to someone else.    His owner was unable (or unwilling) to take him back.    (She did say she would have someone pick him up to euthanize him.)
 He had ear infections and the person who had him said the ear drops caused him to be incontinent.    This is a new one for me!   Those areas aren't even connected.    I suspect her had a bladder infection.   (Here he is with Valerie, who said she would give him a home!  THANK YOU!  She loves the seniors.)
 He now has a home for him where he can live out his life, however long that is.
We are so glad we could give Popsickle a chance to have medical care, a loving home and friends to play with.    He is a sweet boy, and he deserved more than being put down.


  1. Thanks for giving Popsicle a second chance. And thank you Valerie for giving him a good loving home for the rest of his life! Popsicle sure doesn't look 14. (Maybe the previous owner didn't need to have surgery, but to be euthanized instead?)

  2. I second Ginkgos Daddy's idea on what to do with the first owner!!!

    So happy he is safe.
